Dealjoy - global cashback platform


Affiliate shopping networks have been a thing for quite a while, but traditional payment methods used to pay members are expensive in fees and require a lot of private details, time, and bureaucracy.
Existing platforms utilize bank transfers, paper checks, and online payment processors such as PayPal to pay their customers. These payment methods are not private nor truly global and include various fees, such reducing cashback commissions and invading the privacy of users.
The affiliate industry is often accused of handling confidential customer data unethically to increase their revenues. This is made possible by customers needing to provide personal information and agreeing to questionable terms in order to receive what they are owed. Submitting private information to cashback providers along with personal order history is something customers understandably want to avoid.
Another problem, from the user’s point of view, is the delay between purchasing goods and receiving the commission. On the existing platforms, it may take up to three months to receive the actual cashback. That is a long wait, and far from the customer’s ideal.


Revolutionary solution to the problem is the Dealjoy platform, which pays out cashback commissions in Ethereum compatible DEAL tokens.
This allows us to concentrate on finding the best deals and bonuses for members instead of dealing with international wire transfers, consequently requiring minimum payout limits and cutting down cashback percentages due to high payment processing expenses.

Dealjoy cashbacks are paid out nearinstantly and without a minimum threshold. Members can withdraw their wellearned DEAL tokens to their wallets any time to be traded for other cryptocurrencies, or held for potential value appreciation. Community driven token model works to the benefit of token holders, lessening the circulating supply and creating buying pressure by repurchasing tokens to be distributed back to the community as commissions.
Thanks to the nature of the blockchain-based ecosystem, no identifying personal information is required of members. As cryptocurrency supporters and visionaries ourselves, personal data protection is top priority.




The core of business is the Dealjoy platform—an all-in-one dashboard for exploring and finding the best and most exciting cashback-offering vendors.
Dealjoy can be accessed through the web platform and native Android and iOS apps. Members can browse through Dealjoy’s virtual catalog of their favorite merchants and seek the best deals to earn DEAL tokens for purchases.
When a customer finds an interesting merchant or deal, they can proceed to the website and start shopping.



All purchases made by members will automatically be tracked, and commissions will be paid in DEAL tokens as soon as the vendor confirms the purchase, which usually initiates in almost real-time.


For retailers, cashback programs have delivered immensely impressive results in multiple indicators of sales performance.
According to market research, merchants experienced a 240% average increase in conversions and 46% average increase in order value with cashback programs in use. In general, cashback programs result in improved engagement, decreased bounce rate, and increased amount of time spent on-site.
The following online consumer behavioral findings of 2015 Global Cashback Industry Report explain the massive positive sales impact of the cashback programs well:
  • 99% were more likely to make a purchase after finding a discount
  • 87% actively redeem rewards for points, cash back and reward miles
  • 82% claim if they can find all the discounted products they need on one website, they will shop on that site frequently
  • 52% say getting the best price and discounts is the top reason they shop online
A vast amount of online vendors have indeed implemented an affiliate program to boost their sales and enhance visibility. These include the most significant e-commerce platforms in the world, such as Amazon, eBay and AliExpress. Since the basic technical affiliate infrastructure already exists for most of the vendors, adding a support to those websites is a quick process for Dealjoy. There is no need for long-lasting negotiations or complicated integrations to onboard new merchants to platform.
As a community-first project, members will be able to vote and suggest merchants from whom they would like to receive cashbacks and deals. If there is demand for vendors that do not currently offer an affiliate program, will get in touch with them to inform community’s interest. In the best case scenario, will onboard such vendors exclusively to the Dealjoy platform.


In addition to the basic model of operation— referring users to online stores to obtain cashbacks on all their purchases—the Dealjoy platform will include product and category-specific deals for members to benefit from.
These deals will be available on the DealFeed, which will be integrated into the platform.

DealFeed is a whole new gamelike way to find and browse customized deals and offers by swiping. It is powered by the Dealjoy Matchmaking Algorithm (DMA) which utilizes machine learning and customer preferences to create a customer-specific stream of interesting daily changing deals. These specific deals are obtained directly from the collaborating vendors and will offer users even higher cashback rates.




Philosophy is to provide members with freedom of choice. Users can always withdraw their DEAL tokens to their personal Ethereum wallets or exchange accounts, trade them for other coins, or sell for fiat on external exchanges. On the other hand, members may want to keep their tokens in their Dealjoy wallets for future use in platform.
For these users, introducing the DealShop, which will be an essential part of the platform. DealShop is a fully integrated online shop, including a variety of products, services, and gift vouchers from partnering online shops. Orders made in DealShop can be paid exclusively in DEAL tokens, providing exciting real-world utility into the DEAL token ecosystem. Using DealShop doesn’t require tokens used for payment to be acquired through cashback program; anyone can buy DEAL tokens from external exchanges and spend them on DealShop.




Affiliate commissions are paid only for orders that are not returned to the merchant or refunded for being damaged in shipment, lost package, etc. The typical waiting period for affiliate partners to approve and pay out commissions is four weeks from the date of purchase. The normal practice among existing cashback providers is to subject all cashback payouts to a waiting period.
Solution to the problem is an algorithm that analyses and determines expected return rates using advanced data analysis. With the support of the data provided by algorithm, the Dealjoy platform will be able to determine purchases that are eligible for payouts instantly after the transaction. Orders with a high risk of return/refund are subject to a waiting period before DEAL tokens provided as cashback are unlocked for withdrawals or further use. The possible waiting period for high-risk orders is executed to protect the platform from malicious cashback refund activities.


Primary business model is to provide members with access to their favorite online retailers, from which Dealjoy will obtain commissions to be shared with the members per their eligible purchases.
Dealjoy will keep a maximum of 20% of the income received from affiliate partners to pay for the general business and platform costs and to follow the long-term marketing, development and token burn strategies. The rest—a minimum of 80% of the acquired cashback funds—will be paid out to members per their eligible purchases. As member payouts are carried out in DEAL tokens, Dealjoy will continuously purchase tokens from external exchanges.
Affiliate partners pay commissions within a month from the commission-entitled purchase. To ensure continuous token reserve and liquidity for instant cashbacks, 10% of the total initial DEAL token supply is allocated in the company reserve.


All cashback rewards will be paid to the customers in DEAL tokens to create a simple and engaging way of rewarding members for using the platform.
The tokens can be used to make purchases on the integrated DealShop or be withdrawn to an external wallet. The DEAL tokens are, by default, stored in the user’s personal wallet on the Dealjoy platform.
Since cashback rates are based on fiat prices of purchases, real-time price data from external exchanges will be used to determine the actual amount of DEAL tokens paid out to members at any given time. The token’s value will always and without limitations be determined by open markets on external exchanges, and Dealjoy will only participate in the exchange markets through transparent and pre-determined buyback and token burn mechanisms.
The DEAL token is an ERC20-standardized token implemented on the Ethereum network. The platform was chosen for its broad adoption, fast transfers, and cheap transaction costs. Using ERC20 standard helps DEAL token to achieve a high adoption among external exchanges and the community.


Owing to great appreciation for early-stage contributors and all future DEAL token holders, created an efficient and scalable strategy for the DEAL token to appreciate in value along with platform user base growth. Dealjoy will be using three main procedures to support the growth of DEAL token value: token buyback model, token staking, and long-term token burn strategy.


The DEAL token sale event will be held in three phases: private sale, pre-sale and main sale.
The public pre-sale is scheduled for late 2018 with exact dates to be published. The main token sale will be conducted after the pre-sale and will last a maximum of 4 weeks (28 days). All contributions are to be made in Ether (ETH).
Maximum total supply of DEAL is 1,400,000,000 and no more tokens will ever be issued after that. All unsold tokens by the end of the token sale period will be permanently burned.





Q3 2018

  • Website and Whitepaper live
  • Community building
  • Private sale

Q4 2018

  • Token sale
  • Platform development
  • Team extension

Q1 2019

  • Dealjoy open Beta
  • Merchant onboarding
  • Mobile App development

Q2 2019

  • Global public platform launch
  • 100+ merchants supported
  • Mobile Apps Live

Q3 2019

  • Dealjoy for Business live
  • 500+ merchants supported
  • Global Promotion

Q4 2019

  • DealShop and DealFeed live
  • 1000+ merchants supported
  • Positioning among top cashback providers


The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487


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